WorkInConfidence open or two-way anonymous speak up solutions

Not knowing what’s going on in your organisation can be costly. Hundreds of organisations lose good staff through bullying, harassment and poor company culture. Others suffer irreparable reputational damage through actions that could have been reported anonymously; don’t let this happen to you.

Remove the barriers to speaking up with two-way anonymous reporting

Discover the value of employee listening and ensure your people can speak up in absolute confidence and safety when they need to.
  • Staff can choose to raise a concern. openly, or anonymously (two-way).
  • Staff can use the platform with or
    without an email address.
  • People can direct their concerns to a identifiable manager, securely.
  • Receive notifications and reminders.
  • Facilitate feedback.
  • Encrypted data, secure, safe storage.
  • Retain an accurate, historic record.
  • Available on PC, tablet or phone, 24/7
  • Multiple language options

Enable Speaking Up and whistleblowing and empower raising of concerns easily

An anonymous reporting channel for individuals to raise concerns or whistleblow on unethical or unacceptable behaviour will give crucial early warning and feedback to your management if your culture is not consistently where it needs to be.
Two-way anonymous reporting from WorkInConfidence has been designed to be simple and easy to use. The organisation’s delegated managers can respond to conversations and keep the users up to date with communication and progress – all while the user remains completely anonymous unless they choose to disclose their identity.
Users choosing the open case logging option will be able to raise a concern whilst providing their contact details.

To give a truly joined up picture we include:

Anonymous 2 way Speak Up

An easy to use, highly trusted, anonymous communications and reporting platform,ensuring your people can always feel safe raising concerns and you can learn and improve as an organisation. (Great for ideas too!)

From phone, tablet or PC, your people can riase there concerns anywhere, anytime.

  • Contact the most appropriate manager
  • A return path to continue the exchange as long as needed
  • Clear, central reporting to understand themes, follow-ups and actions.

Case Logging

Enables those people who want to log a case directly into the Case Management system to do so.
Easily collect necessary details to manage and progress the case.
The responsible manager receives a notification they have a case and can review, track and manage the case.
No user registration is necessary to use the Case Logging link.

Case Management

Safely and easily record, track, update and report on HR and Speak Up cases from all sources – WorkInConfidence Anonymous Speak Up, Case Logging or brought to you directly.
  • Consolidated reporting
  • Secure, encrypted storage of cases
  • Multiple user access – with ability to decide who to share cases with
  • No more Excel spreadsheets!

Remove the fear of speaking up

Provide an easy, safe route to raise concerns

Ensure cases are followed up, removing the futility of speaking up

A joined up approach

Bullying & Harassment


Freedom to Speak Up


Regulatory Compliance


Enhancing your speaking up culture with solutions from WorkInConfidence

Some of Our Clients

Frequently asked questions

We’ve compiled some of the frequently asked questions we receive about our anonymous speak up platform below.
Unlike other solutions, WorkInConfidence Speak Up allows for truly anonymous, two-way conversations. You can respond to the member of staff that has raised a concern to follow-up, ask for additional information and bring the conversation to a conclusion all within the platform. The user’s identity is never revealed unless they choose to do so.
WorkInConfidence Anonymous Speak Up is safe and secure with all records encrypted using strong methods and is approved by information governance teams across multiple sectors including health, finance, legal and retail. If you are using an email solution you have no security control over the data.
WorkInConfidence Anonymous Speak Up is a web-based application that can be accessed anywhere, any time and on any device (all smartphones, tablets and laptops are supported providing that they have a browser and internet connection). You do not need to be in your organisation’s offices to raise and manage conversations.

Just a few of our client testimonials